About us

Shava Law Chambers (Rights and Business Centre) is a fast growing specialized law firm located in, Harare, Zimbabwe. Our firm has expert lawyers leading and operating under various departments.  The firm is led by Obey Shava, a seasoned and award winning attorney. Shava Law Chambers services corporate and individual clients of all nature, status, class, colour, creed, political and religious persuasion.

In addition to Shava Law Chambers ’s rights and Business practice, we offer public interest legal work on pro borno basis as well as getting involved in corporate social responsibility activities as  approved by the LSZ or any other governing laws from time to time. This allows the firm to give back to the community which is vital in enabling the firm’s success.


Our mission is to provide the Zimbabwean community with specialised legal guidance and services in various areas of practice (as morefully appears under the heading Areas of Practice). To provide a solution to the missing link between business and human rights, how businesses should comply with basic but internationally accepted human rights standards. We exist to attract, satisfy and maintain clients and to support diverse rights, whether human or animal in different ways.


Our values are SEPE

S – Sympathy – We always endeavour to be sympathetic to our client’s cause.

E – Empathy – We always show empathy towards our clients during their times of need.

P – Professionalism – In showing sympathy and empathy, we remain professional.

E – Excellency – The above three are aimed at producing an excellent result, pleasing both client and ourselves. For we are more than just a business, we value relationships too.